Brno Mars Rover
Get to know usPreparing for ERC 2025
Brno, Czech Republic
About The Rover Project
We are a team of active and ambitious students from Brno University of Technology. Our longstanding desire to be part of something that would eventually outgrow the bounds of our research group or even the entire department has led us to discovering an ultimate robotics challenge.
Combined with our passion for everything space related, it was a clear choice.
At the end of 2023 we've started to prepare our competition rover designed to take part of 2025 European Rover Challenge. We've successfuly pitched our plan to the students of our study programme and are ready to take more on board!
Fully Autonomous
Our rover is designed for autonomous operation from the ground up. We're utilizing our expertise in autonomous robotics systems designed for the usage on Earth and looking for ways of their efficient usage on other space bodies.
Mars Exploration
Mars environment is harsh, but it is prohibitively expensive to send heavy equipment there. We're finding a balance between robustness and weight - the finished rover won't weight more than 50kg with all equipment included.

Our First Rover - Freya

Mechanical construction
We're basing our mechanical construction on off-the-shelf aluminum extrusions. They provide an ideal balance between weight, robustness and price. They also allow us to rapidly prototype, without the need to access expensive machinery when tweaking simple things. 3D printed parts also makes a big chunk of our rover - even the wheels are completely printed!

We have built our first manipulator version and are currently developing software for it outside the rover. The second version will be stronger & lighter, but the software will remain the same.

Autonomous Navigation
Our main expertise lies in both indoor and outdoor autonomous navigation. We're equipping the rover with everything it'll need to complete the majority of its tasks autonomously. Our localization is primarily based on lidar and IMU data, but is also aided by multiple cameras. The system automagically chooses safe paths to lower the risk of losing traction.

Unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) will help our rover achieve specific tasks effectively. We're preparing our own that'll be able to communicate with the rover and plan its mission autonomously.

Drilling & Sample Evaluation module
To collect and analyze deep surface samples, we are building a module to reliably drill deep into the martian soil. Let's see what's to be found.

Ground support equipment
To test, service and transport the rover, we are building various jigs and stands. Without them, nothing would be possible.

Our design is simulation-driven. If it doesn't work in simulation, it won't work in the real world.
There are many institutions and companies that are helping us in achieving our goal. We are grateful for each one of them. If you or your company are interested in supporting us too, please do contact us.